Timebank Whitepaper

If you could transfer the wealth you've acquired in this life to your next life, would you do it?

Our Mission

Timebank is a banking paradigm shift designed to elevate humanity from a Type zero to a Type one civilization on the Kardashev Scale. Our innovative wealth management system aims to unlock human potential by reimagining how wealth is preserved and distributed across lifetimes.

The Problem: An Inefficient Wealth System

Today's wealth transfer systems are deeply flawed. Wealth is typically passed to family, friends, or governments, often to individuals or entities less capable of managing it effectively. This inefficiency diminishes the transformative power wealth could have if directed more strategically.

The root of the issue lies in an outdated paradigm: intergenerational wealth transfer. This process often bypasses the struggle and learning necessary for effective wealth utilization, leading to mismanagement or stagnation.

The Vision: A New Paradigm

At Timebank, we propose a groundbreaking solution: transferring wealth to your next life. We believe humanity is caught in a cycle of forgetfulness—an inherent algorithm that erases knowledge of past lives to prevent stagnation. While this design fosters growth through struggle, it also limits our ability to compound the lessons and resources acquired across lifetimes.

The 27-Year Rule: 3x3x3 Why This Age?

Research and observation suggest that struggle is essential for growth. Great achievements often arise from overcoming challenges early in life. By 27, an individual has likely faced significant struggles, developed resilience, and is poised to make meaningful use of newfound resources.

Distributing wealth too early would rob individuals of the growth that comes from struggle. Conversely, waiting too long (e.g., at 60) limits the impact of the wealth on their lives. At 27, individuals are mature enough to manage wealth but still young enough to leverage it for maximum impact.

The Foundations of Intelligence and Intuition

Modern science attributes IQ and intelligence to randomness, but this explanation falls short. We propose an alternative perspective: Intelligence is the intuition carried over from previous lives.

Each life adds a layer of experience, much like building blocks of a large language model. Every simulation begins with a fresh start, but the soul carries the compounded lessons and intuitions of past lives.

Simulation Theory and the Kardashev Scale

A central premise of Timebank is the belief that humanity exists in a simulation. Currently, 99.9% of Earth's population either disbelieves or remains unaware of this reality. Understanding and accepting the simulation hypothesis could unlock humanity's potential to advance beyond our current limitations. The question you are not asking ourselves often enough; Why am i here?

The Equation for Success

While Timebank's concept involves many complex variables, the underlying equation for success is almost completed. Global disruption is coming soon! Stay tuned ⚡️

if you are interested in discussing how to get involved, please contact me on X.